Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday December 8, 1872

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 8, 1872, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Dec. 8, 1872- It has rained all day. I have written a long letter to Bayard Taylor, one to Maurice and Gertrude and I have written to Lucy and to Mrs. Emily Williams. I went to see the doctor this evening about a troublesome tooth which has annoyed me for five days. The monthly meeting of the Century occurred last night. Thompson and I hung the pictures in the afternoon. Winslow Homer had a capital picture of "Snap the Whip" full of daylight and character. Mr. Blackburn of London was there, editor of London Society. He took me up to my little picture (Mr. Chickerings) and said he considered that the best picture in the room and the one showing the best feeling (not knowing whose it was). I don't know what his judgment is worth but he showed good sense in his criticisms. The proposition to increase the number of members to six hundred was lost. I voted in the negative. I was put on the committee on nominations for this year. Stanley was there. I hear his lectures are a dead failure, to my great surprise.

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