Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday May 11, 1872

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 11, 1872, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, May 11, 1872- Mrs. Jno. Horton died very suddenly this morning. Her husband left her apparently well and in half an hour she was dead. I have been thinking of this all day. They seemed very much attached to each other and dying in her youth, just as she was about to become a mother, in this season of blossoms and returning birds seems very sad to me although I never knew her. But there were circumstances connected with her case which make her sudden death peculiarly touching. Her father and mother natives of the South do not live together, and her mother is a teacher in Havana and an intelligent and cultivated woman I should judge from what I hear. She has always been very much attached to this daughter, and very frequently sent her presents, and aided them in many ways, as his income was very small and they were obliged to be very economical. I have been thinking what a dreadful shock to her will be the receipt of the brief telegram which announces with relentless brevity, "Annie died this morning". I have been at work painting the fence in front of my place, and all the while I thought of this sudden affliction and all the poor people who are to suffer from it. Sara and Gussie went over to the house to see if they could be of any service.

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