Tuesday November 12, 1872
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 12, 1872, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Tuesday, Nov. 12 1872- It has rained all day. We were invited to the wedding of Mr. Robt. Deforest and Miss Johnson at 1 o'clock today but did not go. I received a letter from Sellstedt in relation to my picture the "Danger Signal" now in Buffalo. He thinks they may buy it for their Academy but could say nothing definite about it. I wrote him I would sell it to them for $1000 and if he thought it would be to my advantage to leave it there a little longer I would do so. Gertrude and I called at Avery's yesterday. He has just returned from Europe and seemed to have brought home a very poor lot of pictures. We also went up to Goupils to see Jerome's Cleopatra before Caesar. Jerome has the dramatic talent in a greater degree than the Artistic but I think him a very great man while I do not fully like his manner of working. His pictures are too elaborate but he never fails to transport me to the age he paints. I walked over to Vaux's this evening. Mr. Putnam came in. He told me there was a quiet movement on foot to send a collection of American pictures to the Vienna Exposition. It is expected that Congress will make an appropriation on the opening of the session.
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