Sunday September 8, 1872
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Sunday, Sept. 8, 1872, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Sept. 8, 1872- What a change in the weather. We are in the heats of midsummer again. Yesterday was a close hot day with a thunder shower passing off to the north towards evening. The corn is cut up and some of the trees begin to fade. Last Sunday Vaux and I noticed that the peperidge trees out back of Steep Rocks had begun to turn red. Today there is a breeze but it is a warm day with the mercury at 80. Had a letter from Schutt this week in answer to one I wrote him. He says his house will be pretty empty by the 15th and even by the 10th if I want to come before. We invited the Church's here for last Thursday but as they were in N.Y. we heard nothing from them until Saturday. They want to come and we shall ask them for Wednesday of this week. I have commenced a letter to Mr. Alfred Booth but am waiting to hear from Mr. B.F. Butler to know where to direct to him. Wrote yesterday to Mr. Raniger to send my pictures in London so as to reach N.Y. by Nov. 15 or before if convenient and to have them insured for 300 pounds. I hear nothing as yet from Mr. Dorman regarding the picture I sent. I dare say he is getting the opinions of his freinds before he ventures to give me his own. Calvert and Girard came up last evening, Calvert for the last time this season as Mary and her family propose going home on Thursday. So we scatter and never without its bringing a melancholy feeling to me. I am afraid I am getting morbid. Little and comparatively unimportant things trouble and affect me, but I think it is because my mind is so unemployed. I shall be glad to get to work again for only in work is there happiness and content. The most of the misery of life comes from lack of proper employment for the mind.
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