Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday February 1, 1873

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 1, 1873, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Feb 1, 1873- The artists fund sale occurred on Tuesday evening last. Major Wilkinson dined with us and he and I attended the sale together. I thought the bidding not very spirited but I have since learned that the members consider it a good sale, and as indicating a reaction in favor of American works. Thursday evening was the first meeting of the new committee on admissions at the Century. Five new members were elected out of a list of more than a hundred applicants. I was gratified to see that character alone recommended a man and that wealth and family connection alone only produced smiles, as the letters were read. We were laboriously occupied until past midnight and I think we elected five desireable men. The next day (yesterday) we were invited to dine at John Platts where we very much wished to go. Unfortunately I had one of my severe head aches and we were obliged to send word we could not go. On Thursday I sent a note to each artist in the building inviting him to come and see, for his free and frank criticism, my last picture, (not entirely completed) "Sea from Shore". Nearly every one came between 11 and 12 and it proved a pleasant occasion. I gave them each a good cigar and tried to make them feel that I should like their comments which I think they gave freely.

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