Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday March 5, 1873

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Wednesday, March 5, 1873, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Mar 5, 1873- Last week Mr. Williams of Williams & Everett of Boston came in and I sold him two of my small pictures at low prices. I have also sold Mr. Moore a dealer two and get a commission of four hundred dollars from him. Lydig Suydam came in today and bought my little English Cottage for $250 so I feel that I am doing something. On Monday we dined with Gifford in company with George Coale, Fitch, Hubbard. Coale in attempting to show me how to carve a canvas back duck broke a wine glass and covered Fitch with wine and himself with confusion. Last night we dined with Fitch, Coale, Whittredge and his wife, Eastman Johnson & wife and Hubbard. Sunday I went up to visit Stedman in their new apartment in 56th St. At the monthly meeting of the Century last Saturday the proposition to increase the number of members was again decisively negatived. Mr. Lanes case came up for action but as he put in a plea of illness it was postponed reluctantly until the April meeting. He would undoubtedly have been expelled had a vote been taken. I sent my two pictures to Williams & Everett yesterday. I received a note from Mr. Skul yesterday saying he would take the one thousand dollars in my mortgage on Apl. 1 if convenient. I hope he doesn't want it for I will have to scratch around to get it if he does. I wrote him today to find out if he expected me to pay it.

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