Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday May 17, 1873

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 17, 1873, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, May 17, 1873- Vaux and Mary came in while we were at break fast to have us go up to the park to see Miss Stebbins fountain to which they had been adapting the water and which was to be tried in her presence. We met her there and also Miss Cushman. I was introduced to Mrs. McKagg from Chicago and to her two daughters one of whom bought from Mr. Moore my little picture of Hussy Hill which I sold him this winter. I think the fountain a success as did all. I met Clarence Cook there who graciously approved. Vaux and I left for Long Branch to spend a couple of days by previous arrangement. We went to Sandy Hook by boat at 1.40 and took the rail road to Long Branch. Went to the Pavilion a sufficiently forlorn place. A sister of John Corbis White with her husband and their children came the same evening. I introduced myself to her and we had a pleasant talk about her brother who died last summer. We spent Sunday along the beach but I was glad when it came time to leave at 5. in the afternoon when we took the train for Highlands where we staid over night and on Monday walked on the beach of Sandy Hook up opposite the steamboat wharf where we crossed over and took the boat for N.Y. arriving home about half past five. While at Highlands Sunday evening we went up to the two fine light houses on the hill and got permission to go up into the lantern while they were lighting up. The light is a fine piece of mechanism and interested me greatly as I had no previous idea of their construction. Monday was a beautiful tranquil day and we greatly enjoyed our walk along the beach which to me is much more interesting than Long Branch. We found on arriving home that we were very much burned with the sun. A letter was awaiting me from Raniger informing me that my picture of the "Danger Signal" was rejected at the Royal Academy, a disappointment certainly but one for which I was not unprepared. Disasters come in groups. No answer to my note to Mr. Tuckerman. I think he never received it and Whittredge thinks he has gone to Europe.

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