Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday October 23, 1873

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 23, 1873, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Oct 23, 1873- Monday we had one of the severest North East storms of the season producing floods and some considerable damage. On Tuesday I received a telegram from Whittredge telling me he would arrive that evening instead of on Wednesday as he had intended. I met him at the 5 o'clock train. They came down the rail road with some little difficulty as a culvert was gone near Fox Hollow and the passengers had to be transported to a train this side. Monday I repainted the little picture of Murano which I painted for Lucy and was so well pleased with it that on Tuesday I painted one of the same subject size 12x20 and made a nice little picture it seems to me. Joe Tomkins left for New York on Tuesday to be followed by Gussie on Thursday on their way back to Hillsboro. Wednesday Whittredge and I took a long walk on the Vlight-bergh and down to Steep Rocks. Gus left for Hillsboro today. It was a trial for her to go and for all of us to part with her, but there seems so many sorrowful things following upon each other that these constant partings are but light affairs. I fight daily against sad suggestions but am thankful I can be so much more cheerful than I could a year ago today. Everything looked discouraging then, but here we are all today mercifully shielded from disaster or any serious sorrow and that is much to be thankful for. Whittredge and his wife and Gertrude and I took a ride out on the Saugerties road this afternoon. It has been a lovely day. The color is fading but the oaks are particularly rich and brilliant.

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