Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday December 12, 1874

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Saturday, December 12, 1874, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Dec 12, 1874- Went to the Strand after which I went to work on Julia Vauxs picture and substantially finished it before dark. I am glad to have the finishing of that assured in time. Received a letter from Mr. Secor telling me about the Sewing Machine. He says they only manufacture half as many as they can sell and are about building new factories. Of course they have a lot of stock to dispose of and his object in writing to me seems to have been to know if I knew of any one who would be likely to invest. Also received a letter from Edward Brown who had charge of the Academy sales last year telling me that he had a positive offer, but a very low one for my landscape of "Deans River" 16x26 which I painted last year and which was exhibited at the Academy. The price I had put on it then was $600. The person who wants it offers $250. I wrote him that he must get pay for the frame $30 and his commission $25 if he could, if not to accept the offer. I feel it to be wise to accept about any offer nowadays. I never liked this picture and intended to paint it over this winter. Lucy and her children returned this afternoon from Wilmington. Thos. N. Marshall the young artist died on Thursday 10 of pneumonia at the Association Building.

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