Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday December 29, 1874

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Tuesdsay, December 29, 1874, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesdsay, Dec 29, 1874- The storm cleared off today and it has grown colder towards evening. I painted today on the dress of the mother in my picture for which Lucy sat, and I think greatly improved it. After I got through working for the day I walked up to Kingston and paid my own and my mother's bills at Drimnick & Co's. Gerrit Smith died yesterday in New York where he was visiting. There was a long and interesting obituary on him in the Tribune today. He was a good man, cordially sympathizing with all the troubles and trials of the poor and the oppressed and used his wealth liberally to help wherever he saw need of help. I often wonder that so few rich men help poorer and struggling people. He was my ideal of a really rich man for he was rich in all generous emotions. My mother received a telegram today from Middletown Orange Co. announcing the death of her eldest sister Aunt Esther Bodine. Poor woman, she had had a bitter experience with a drunken husband but of late years she was happy and comfortable with one of her married daughters.

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