Tuesday February 24, 1874
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 24, 1874, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Tuesday, Feb 24, 1874- Gifford Gertrude and I went up to Weirs at New Haven on Saturday and returned on Monday after a most delightful visit. He had some friends at his house Saturday evening to meet us and on Sunday we went to Mr. [Farnams?] who has a fine house and a gallery and in the evening to Prof. [Sillimans?]. Mrs. Weirs sister Miss Lilly French, a very interesting girl was at home with them, her mother and sister having gone to Washington on a visit. Weir is doing a good work as the head of the Art school which seems alive solely on account of his energy and efficiency. Mr. Sawyer was on the train on Saturday going home and looking much depressed on account of the failure of some of his business affairs as Mrs. Sawyer tells me today. Mary Saunders (Ellis) came to see us and lunched with us with Mrs. Sawyer, Mary Vaux and Marion. I get no answer from Mr. Stillman in Baltimore regarding my little figure picture. Snedecor was in on Friday and bought my little late Autumn 12x20 the study for my larger picture. I let him have it for $200 without the frame and agreed to take half of it in articles from his store. Not a very sharp bargain but still I want to encourage the dealers to buy of me. Avery spoke of this picture but he has not been to see me and so I couldn't wait for him. Mrs. Vanderlip and Mrs. Dr. Noyes called. Jno. Weir was here when they came. He came in afterwards and dine with us and went back to New Haven in the evening. Gertrude and I called on her mother in the evening at Mrs. Cranes. Albert Crane had bought a little picture of mine at auction for $145 for which Moore paid me $80.
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