Wednesday March 25, 1874
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Wednesday, March 25, 1874, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, Mar 25, 1874- The wind blew a gale today. I had set it apart to go down town to buy some mill boards to paint upon and started out immediately after breakfast. After looking in at several places I finally found what I wanted and bought 50 sheets which I had cut in various sizes and made an arrangement to have them sent up to Pearse and Woodwards paint shop to have them prepared where I stopped on my way downtown and arranged with them to paint them for me. I felt very much relieved after I had accomplished all this. I went and bought a hundred cigars in South St, called at my Uncle Charles' office who was not in and then came home with my eyes full of dust and a bad feeling in my head. Dr. Otis came in in the afternoon and showed me some very ingenious surgical instruments he had invented and had made. Tom Sawyer spent the evening with us.
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