Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday May 12, 1874

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 12, 1874, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, May 12, 1874- Sunday was as warm as midsummer. I called on Eastman Johnson walking down found the heat oppressive. We went over to Vauxs in the evening. Church came to see me yesterday afternoon and staid to dinner. He liked my Autumn with figures and told me a Mr. Walker of Chicago who wanted a picture of mine would probably take it. He is to write to him. I have ordered a frame for it to be done in two weeks. We went to see Moran's "Chasm of the Colorado" last night. I was too far from it and it was lighted by gas, but it struck me as a technically well-painted picture although one which does not embody my ideas of what is greatest in Art. Met there Dr. Holland and his daughters, Junius Henri Browne and wife, Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, Clarence Cook and Moran and his wife. Moore came and paid me $100 today and I received a nice letter from John Weir full of appreciation and friendship.

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