Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday February 5, 1875

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Friday, February 5, 1875, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

I was so ill yesterday that I sent for Dr. Joslyn who prescribed for me and today I am well again. Went up to Eastman Johnsons this morning which was very cold, and staid until 1 o'clock. He showed me his summer's work but he doesnt seem to have done a great deal more than I have. I was encouraged to find he makes mistakes as well as I do. He gets some of his heads too big and some too small for the bodies. When I came back found Girard waiting for me. He lunched with me. Bayard Taylor had been here and left an invitation on my slate to come and dine with them on Sunday. Mr. Craven called with a Mr. Jones and his daughter. Dined at the De Forests. Church and his wife were to have been there but they did not arrive until after dinner. When I got back to my studio the fire had gone out and it is a cold night. No wood to kindle it but I broke up a cigar box, found some hickory sticks up stairs and soon had it going. Wrote to Gertrude. Received a letter from her yesterday with bad accounts of Maurice. Mr. De Forest wants me to dine there until Gertrude comes. Have promised to go tomorrow but I think that will do.

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