Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday May 5, 1875

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Wednesday, May 5, 1875, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

[newspaper article "Fatal Effects of Grief and Shame" attached] Went up to Beeks factory and bought paper for the studio and dining room at my house and for our bed room and dining room at my fathers and of course spent twice as much money as I intended to. A young man from Boston called and wanted to buy a small November picture having seen one in Boston which he liked very much but I had nothing of that kind. Went up to the Academy by agreement to select the drawings in the Antique school for friezes. No one there but J. G. Brown and myself who had to take the responsibility of deciding, rather more of a responsibility than I cared to assume. It argues no very great interest in Academy affairs where the Council are so indifferent to so important an occasion. The students might justly complain when only two out of the whole council decide. A postal card from Lucy from Chicago announced her safe arrival there and a letter from her via Rondout gives an account of her arrival at Omaha and an adventure there which however resulted to her advantage. She came near being left while arranging for her tickets, her children at the last moment were put off as the train moved out of the depot but they were all tumbled aboard again to find their baggage left behind, met a return train, came back to Omaha, staid over night and started next day with a saving of a hundred dollars on her baggage. Every one very attentive to her. Her letters from Mr. Huntington Vice Pres. of the road and from Pullman securing every attention from officials, and the chivalry of American men and women supplying it outside. Her letter in the best of spirits. Dined with Hall and Gifford at Philippes (spel wrong) called at the Boardmans. Fred and Alice gone to the theatre.

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