Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday September 4, 1875

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Saturday, September 4, 1875, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Went out to Watson Hallow on Monday with the afternoon train and returned today. The week has been very hot and unpleasant but I have employed nearly all my time making sketches of children. I got nearly a dozen in all which will be very useful to me in my landscapes, and in doing them I have acquired a certain confidence which will help me in sketching them in the picture. I shall do more of this hereafter. I had a very comfortable place to stay with very kind people, but it is very lonely in such a place without a companion and when one is not at work the time hangs very heavy. I confess I was very glad to turn my face homeward particularly as I had accomplished what I went for. Found a letter from Lucy and a nice one from Booth, the first one he has written since his accident. Girard came up this evening on the Powell for his vacation. Joe Tomkins came also and Oscar Sawyer.

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