Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday April 18, 1876

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Tuesday, April 18, 1876, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Went out to Uncle Philips by the 8 A.M. train and arrived there about 6.30 Saturday via Clinton and Clarks Mills. It was a gusty squally day, and there were frequent storms. The Mohawk Vally was flooded, and the country was like a wet sponge. They were all very glad to see me. Sunday Tom and I walked over the farm by the aid of over shoes to see the improvements he is making. We found a tree where we cut our names in the bark more than thirty years ago. They have some domestic squabbles but on the whole I think they are prospering. I came away yesterday Tom taking me down to Utica through Whitesboro through the wind. It is a fearfully muddy county. We had a little time in Utica and we walked about a little. It seemed quite a great city to me as a boy but looked somewhat tamer to me now. Left Utica at 11.25 by the special N.Y. train and arrived here at 7. Had supper and went to the Council meeting where we decided on the Annual dinner. Julia Vaux breakfasted with us and Girard lunched with me today. Went out in the morning to see the Blodgett pictures which are to be sold at auction. There are some fine Coutures a Troyon with a fine sky besides Chuch's Heart of the Andes, the Aurora etc. Church was in to see me about his picture for the Centennial. I told him I would telegraph him if we were called to Philadelphia before he returned next week. Wrote to Gertrude. Gifford dined with me.

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