Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday April 27, 1876

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Thursday, April 27, 1876, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Yesterday Gussie, Julia and a niece of Mr. Radford lunched with me. I went with Gussie and Radfords niece to the Belmont Gallery which was open for the Womens Centennial fund. Was much disappointed in the quality of the pictures. For instance Knaus's "Village Fete" is poorly painted. I had a remembrance of a rich full style. There is a good picture by "Michael" a little boy presenting a bouquet and reading his speech which is capital for Expression. Baum Lays picture is fine but Gallait did not quite hold its own although a fine picture. Eastman Johnson confessed last night to an equal disappointment. Tuesday I was sick all day and at night it culminated in one of my most violent headaches. I drank a half bottle of champagne at my scant dinner, swallowed a large pill of Cayenne pepper and immediately after dinner while my head was throbbing ready to burst got my feet into hot water. The effect was magical. I was comfortable immediately and in an hour entirely well so that I smoked a cigar. Went up to Eastman Johnsons last night. Col Lawrence and his wife came in bringing Mr. & Mrs. Small of Baltimore who visited me two or three years ago. They were very pleasant people and I had a very agreeable evening with them. I went again yesterday to see the fine picture by Ziem at Schaus's. It is a marvel of color and color has a great fascination for me. It is painted with the utmost freedom but with consummate knowledge. I notice his reds are almost always made of Lake instead of Vermillion. A world of pictures are being thrown on the market. The Blodgett collection is to be sold tonight and Stucker Jenkins pictures are on view soon to be sold. I went to see them this morning. My picture painted for Edwin Booth is there put in by Avery and I dare say more than half the collection is made up by Avery.

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