Saturday March 18, 1876
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Saturday, March 18, 1876, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
We went to hear Titiens at a matinee La Trovatore. I enjoyed her singing but was not so much impressed as I expected to be. For some unaccountable reason the stage was kept dark and the effect of the whole opera was poor. Brignoli sang with his usual [?] and was very popular with the audience. Rachel Carle came in on her way from Bloomington and had lunch with us. Poor girl. She has a hard time and I only wish I could help her in some way. Gifford who has a very bad cold dined with us, and after he went we concluded to go to the Eagle Theatre where we had poor seats and did not therefore much enjoy the play. Mr. Wilson came and paid me for his wifes picture $1350 after having written him a note on Thursday asking him to send me a check. Mr. Hoe called.
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