Tuesday October 17, 1876
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Tuesday, October 17, 1876, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Called at the Coleman House to see Oscar Sawyer. He had gone out. Went down to Hicks studio but he was not there. Met him on my way back. Had been to my room and went back with me. Approved of my form of protest and says he will sign it. Is going to Scranton tomorrow to be gone until Nov. 1. but authorised me to sign his name to whatever I considered proper. Have to see Huntington now. If he objects will let the whole thing drop. Mrs. Holt who used to be a pupil of mine years ago called. Is going to sail for Germany tomorrow. She is a most tedious woman. Have been at work designing a picture but I feel too disturbed to work to advantage. Heard Gifford up in his room and called to see him. Found Mrs. Canfield there. Gifford is going back to Hudson tomorrow because he says he dont know what to do here. He seems unhappy too. Church came to see me. Got talking about Knoedler. Read him my letter to him and his reply when he told me he too had written to the same effect a year or more ago and was glad I wrote. Invited me to go up to Knoedlers with him so that he could introduce me to his son, which I did. He seems a nice frank young fellow and told me his father had shown him the letter I wrote but that in the store nothing was known of it. He talked to me about what I wrote but we were interrupted. Said he wanted a picture of mine and would come to my studio but I hardly expect he will. I was struck with the facilities they have for selling pictures and felt more than ever impressed with the need we artists have of a place to sell our pictures. Church invited me to dine with him at the Brevoort. After we got there Hurlburt editor of the World wanted him to dine with him and Sam Ward, Washington correspondent of the World (I think) proposed that we should all dine together and he would arrange the dinner. Had a very pleasant time but I felt that I was among men I could not entirely affiliate with. Hurlburt was very genial and friendly but had a good deal of the newspaper sharpness. I think his freedom of conversation could not entirely have suited Church but I find I am very fastidious and I dare say he is useful to Church. I havent any tact that way. Church is very friendly to me, told me of the carpets he had bought today and lots of other things. He has a plenty of money and cannot conceive the wretchedness I suffer from the lack of it. Wrote to Gertrude in as cheerful a mood as I could. I have been very unhappy today but did not tell her so.
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