Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday December 10, 1877

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Monday, December 10, 1877, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Left home last Monday Dec 3. Dined with Eastman Johnson and the next morning feeling symptoms of one of my headaches resolved to go back home, which I did by the 11 o'clock train. Had a pretty bad headache but got along with it better than I hoped. The next day had threatenings of inflammation of the bowels for which Sara prescribed and for two or three days was quite ill and very glad I had come home. I remained there until today when I returned feeling entirely recovered. Mr & Mrs. Platt were on the train. They invited me to dine with them but I declined for today but dine with them on Thursday. Bowyer and I dined together. Found a legal paper from the Commissioner of Jurors calling me to appear at the Court House to answer as to my liability as a juror on or before Dec 10 which is today. After dinner I went up to Platts to see what I must do. Met Mr. Goodman there and he is going with me tomorrow morning to see about it. It was a great trial to leave home. Responsibilities press upon me and the future is full of doubt, still I hope to get to work and thus to forget my anxieties. Every thing depends upon me and my efforts and I hope I may produce good work which alone will encourage me.

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