Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday October 23, 1877

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Tuesday, October 23, 1877, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

A bright beautiful October day with rich color. Pa, Mary, Marian, Sara and Gertrude went to High Falls. I went for a long walk over the hills back of Ludlums and around by the Roatina and Steep Rocks house. It seems to me now I shall never go there again. I exhausted this region when it was more quiet and less invaded. Now it suggests no more pictures to me and every time I take a walk into the suburbs of the town I think it will be the last. I have seen great changes in this region and feel that I have outgrown or exhausted whatever interest it once had. I am doing nothing this beautiful weather. I have a bad cold and do not feel well but worse than this I am mentally ill. Nothing suggests pictures to me. I have no power to compose or create any thing and often it seems to me my work is done now when there is such imperative need of my doing more than I have ever done before. We had the first frost of the season last night but a very slight one.

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