Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday January 11, 1878

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Friday, January 11, 1878, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Went to a wedding reception last night at Mrs. Stones. Her niece Miss Daggett married Mr. Sheffield neither of whom I know. Went with Mrs. Youmans and we stopped for the Fields so we did not go to the church. The rain poured in torrents and it was a most dismal night. I had however, contrary to my expectation an extremely pleasant evening because I met so many people I knew. Booth came in today and I finished the hand in Richard II. He looked at the pictures again and said he liked them better than ever. Wrote to Gertrude after I returned from Mrs. Stones. Today I have laid in a new picture 30x36 of a composition of Spruce Creek scenery from my study I have just painted. I have a promising commencement and that is the most important point with me. Cyrus Butler came to see me and I have given him my note at 3 Mos. from Jan 10th for $600 payable at the Bank of the Metropolis. This will pay our taxes and now I must do something to pay the interest. I hope to sell something. Dined with Gifford and his wife in their apartment in 4th Ave. It seemed strange to see Gifford actually married.

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