Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday June 3, 1878

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Monday, June 3, 1878, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Booth came on Saturday and I commenced McBeth. Saturday afternoon I went up to Alpine with Bowyer via Yonkers. It rained a little but we did not get wet. Sunday Mary and I drove up to Tappan by Sparkill and visited the pace where Andre was executed in 1780. The old house is still standing in a very delapidated condition where he was confined during the court martial, only two days I believe. We also visited the old house where Washington had his head quarters for nearly six months. The parlor he occupied is as it was at that time. There is a broad fire place surrounded with tiles and evidently the same floor that he walked upon. Our visit was a most interesting one as it was a spot I had always wanted to visit. It was a grey day but the country was charming in its spring beauty. It rained a little on our return. I came down this morning with Calvert and Booth came and I got on with MacBeth. I hope to finish the series this week and go home. Had a call from a Mrs. Carthan of Buffalo and a clergyman from up the river. Wrote to Gertrude.

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