Sunday March 17, 1878
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 17, 1878, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Rained all day. Made a drawing for Scribner. In the evening went up to Taylors for the last time. The Stedmans were to have come but were prevented by the rain I presume. Taylor showed us his commission and the big envelope containing his credentials and also the Presidents letter to the Emperor. It was doleful to think we would see them in their pleasant apartment no more. Taylor says he will write to me if for no other reason, to get my letters which he likes better than any others, which is saying a great deal. Mrs. Bullard came with her carriage in the afternoon and took Gertrude to the "Swash" exhibition at Kurtz's.
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