Friday November 29, 1878
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Friday, November 29, 1878, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
This morning directly after breakfast I walked down to Geo. Sterns and selected some Christmas presents. It was a beautiful morning and has been a beautiful day. When I got back Robinson was here to paint the flag staff which he did and afterwards he and Tom took the shears and the rigging home. I made a cleat and painted it and this afternoon repaired our writing desk which had got very much out of order. I had a sweet little letter from Sedgwick dictacted by him to his mother. Have spent a part of the evening looking over and arranging my letters and the last letters to Gertrude. Miss Lane one of the school teachers who has been here for five or six years died yesterday with Peritonitis. She seems to have been very much beloved. I remember her in Esther with Gertrude. I heard this evening that she and Dr. Chalker were to have been married soon. Wrote to Alice.
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