Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday August 19, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Tuesday, August 19, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

One of the loveliest of days, cool and delightful with the wind from the N.W. and the color of the landscape as rich and full as I have seldom seen it. Busied myself in making a box in which to pack dear Gertrudes things which her mother is to take. How sad it has been to handle them all over and to think they are to be put out of my sight. Mr & Mrs. Sawyer went over to my house with me. I knew that they were remembering the days when we lived there and they visited us, for both of them were visibly affected. My furniture came up from N.Y. and with it my curtains which Mrs. Sawyer is turning for me when they will be very pretty and like new. Have been over at my house the most of the day and opened it to let it dry. Towards evening Mr & Mrs. Sawyer, Mrs. Davis, Sara and I went over to the cemetery. I cut the grass on Gertrudes grave and Sara placed fresh flowers on it although the petunias are blooming profusely and look very pretty. She was so great a lover of flowers that I always associate them with her. A brief note from Church. Gertrude and I took a charming ride a year ago today after the Booths left. It was just such a day. Wrote to Gifford.

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