Wednesday December 24, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Wednesday, December 24, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Rained. We were all to have gone into the woods for a Christmas tree but it was so wet we had to give it up. There was a small hemlock on the side hill which a boy cut into last fall and so injured it that it would have died. Tom and I went down and got that and carried it into the kitchen to meet the ice. I made a standard and after a while set it up in the parlor when we built a good fire and soon dried it, when Sara and I put the presents on and about it. I took little Charlie in to see it after it was finished and he was lost in admiration. We lighted it early on account of the children and it looked very pretty and gave great pleasure. There were present my father and mother, Girard and May, Sara, Marion, Jamie, Jinney, Charlie, Tom, Maggie & Essie and we all got presents. After it was all over May, Sade and I went down to Jansen Andersons to their Christmas tree and staid the whole evening.
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