Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday January 15, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Wednesday, January 15, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Very cold. Booth came and staid to lunch with me and we walked up town together on my way to the dentists. Sent my chair to be recovered and the cushion to be made for the carved seat. This evening by appointment spent with the Stedmans. We had a long talk about Taylor, his affairs and a memoir of him which Stedman will probably write taking plenty of time. Stedman thinks and I agree with him that a memoir of him could be made one of the most interesting of any that has ever been written. We also talked of Gertrude and I came away late having had a most satisfactory evening. It was snowing violently when I came home and it has all the appearance of a great storm. I had one of the dearest and sweetest of letters from Sara this morning and I could not sleep until I wrote to tell her so. It was all about Gertrude and recalled her pretty ways and her love for me as shown in her daily life with them there at home. I went out in the storm to post it so that she will get it tomorrow. Steadman gave me a copy of his Victorian Poets. I wrote Laura a congratulatory note.

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