Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday January 31, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Friday, January 31, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Mr. Huntington told me last night at the club of the death of old Jesse Talbot. He fell a few days ago on the ice and he died yesterday. He was 73 years old. I arranged with him to go to the funeral today clear out in the outskirts of Brooklyn. I awoke with a headache and fell generally badly but I had my lunch and drank some champagne and started. Gifford whom I had seen was to go also. Took the elevated road at 18th St. but Mr. Huntington was not there. At Fulton Ferry was joined by Gifford & Hubbard. Mr. Huntington came after. There were quite a number of very nice looking people at the funeral. I feared there would be few. I got very cold and my head ached before I got back but when I reached my room I toasted myself well before I went to dinner and felt better. Mr. Huntington very kindly ascertained if the family needed any money and came ready to supply it. The house looked poor enough but much better than I feared it would. After dinner Calvert went to the opening reception of the Water Color Society and Mary and I talked of Gertrude. It is such a comfort to talk with her about my darling, for Mary has been her intimate friend ever since Gertrude was eleven years old. Mrs. Grey came to see me just before I started for the funeral and I had a very satisfactory talk with her and am to dine with her on Tuesday. I had a letter from Sara this morning full of longings for dear Gertrude and overflowing with a sense of her loss. She misses her so much and grieves for her constantly.

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