Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday May 12, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Monday, May 12, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Went home Saturday 4 oclock. Met H. K. Brown at the depot and we sat together. He, Gifford and Ward are going salmon fishing up on the Ristigouche in June. He seems very feeble but mentally as strong as ever and is much better than I feared. As soon as I reached home heard of the arrest of W. H. Reid in Chicago and his having been brought back and lodged in Kingston jail. John, Girard and Maurice had been to see him. He was in a cell just like any common felon. Think of him alone at night with his remorse, his memory of his blasted life and the ruin and disgrace he has brought upon his family. I almost forgot my own troubles thinking of all this. I thought of him the moment I awoke this morning. There is a great deal of sympathy expressed for him but some are very bitter. John McEntee and I made an arrangement to go trout fishing next Monday out on the Mill brook. Girard and I went down to the Point to give Pash a swim. Came down this morning. Met Church and Frank Weeks on the train in the drawing room car. Also Mr. Van Gusen and a Mr. Van Brount, President (I think) of the Willowemock club who extended to me the hospitalities of the club whenever I chose to go there. Wrote a note to Mr. Hoe asking him to call here if convenient. I am going to offer him my Autumn Idyl for $600 just half my price. I dislike this sort of thing but must do all I can. Sent a check to Geo. Stevens for his bill. Had several calls. Mr. Smith of Springfield and a Mr. Booth and two ladies, a Mrs. Chapman and Mrs [blank]. Attended the Council meeting. On my return to my studio found a note from Mrs. Weir. She had come to town suddenly, had dined in my studio and will try to see me tomorrow. Weir is much better. I had a letter from him this morning written yesterday. Will not be able to come to the Academy Annual meeting.

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