Monday May 26, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Monday, May 26, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Went home Saturday morning 17th by 8 o'clock train and in the afternoon Sade and I went to the cemetery. On Monday I went out to the Mill Brook in Delaware Co. by the morning train with George Weber. John McEntee was prevented from going at the last moment by the dangerous illness of his mother-in-law Mrs. Dibblee. We were met at Deans by Mr. De Silva's son and driven comfortably up to his place ten miles. It rained a part of the way. We found there Ed Waters and a Mr. Adams & Mr. Holmes and Frank Nabis came next day. We remained there until Thursday when the weather becoming cool & windy we came home, having had a pleasant time and been reasonably successful in fishing. I brought some fish home with me. Friday and Saturday I spent at home doing many little things, among others wrote to Mrs. Taylor. Sunday after dinner Sara and I drove up to High Falls, to see Annie and her people. Just after we reached there we had a hard shower and a heavy wind squall. We staid to tea and reached home at half past 8. I came down to town this morning by the fast train and Pa was to start for Uncle Philips and Perry today. I thought so much about darling Gertrude while I was at home and shed many, many bitter tears in my longing for her. I seem to be nearer her there but I am very sad most of the time. The moment I see any thing connected with her a sense of her absence sweeps over me with a desolating force that I cannot resist. It is so lonely here on my return that it takes me sometime to get accustomed to it. I have just received a note from Whitelaw Reid telling me that Mrs. Taylor is staying with him and inviting me to dine with them this evening. I have also received an invitation to Mr. Boardmans wedding on June 2nd but do not know what to do about going. About 4 oclock, after writing a long letter to Mrs. Weir from when I found a nice letter here on my arrival I walked over to Mrs. Stoddards to give her a little present of table mats which Sara sent to her. Had a nice call with her and then went to see Mary where I staid until six oclock when I went up to Reids to dine with Mrs. Taylor and Lily and Miss Reid. After dinner Galusha A. Grow once speaker of the House of Representatives called, a bright, brick looking man much younger looking than I could have imagined. Presently a Dr. Tally of South Carolina, formerly Chief of the Medical Staff of the Confederate Army came in with Mrs. Wm. Walter Phelps. He was a good pattern of the chivalry, talked with the precision of a book but behind all had the Southern bigotry and relentlessness. Then Wm. Walter Phelps came in and at 10 o'clock I came away. Booth came in shortly after I got to my room today and staid until nearly two o'clock. While he was here Capt. Porter called. He and his wife are at Davids Island but are coming to town on Wednesday when he said Lucy and Andrews are coming.
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