Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday November 8, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Saturday, November 8, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Went to my studio immediately after breakfast, built the fire in the Franklin which works very nicely and painted a little while on Gertrudes picture. I think it looks very like her now. After that I got all my materials together and began the picture for which Lucy stood, the girl watering the vase of flowers. I made the head a little larger which takes away from the height of the figure. I drew it in and laid it in before dark. My design is to paint a light toned picture and call it Summer. I regret now that I did not get dear Gertrude to stand for me, for she it was who suggested the picture as I used to see her water her flowers, holding back her dress. She had such an elegant figure and with her pretty lilac dress and her grey hair the effect was very charming. How I have sighed for her today and remembered her in a thousand ways as I worked over there alone. I think of her more here and am more sad here at home than any where else, and yet here is where I love to be. It seems to me tonight that if I could have dear Gertrude back again I could bear any trouble in the world. Sara went up to Tivoli to see Jamie today and found him very contented although he says he never will like it there. Maurice came home this afternoon and went directly to his room and to bed. Sade and I called down at John & Nannies.

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