Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday April 28, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 28, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Apr 28, 1880 Painted a while but with no heart. Booth came in and we sat down and talked. He said he thought I needed the stimulus of encouragement. That it was hard to paint when I could not sell my work. He said he wished he were sure enough to advise me to go to England with him but as it was an experiment with himself he did not feel like insisting on my taking so important a step unless I felt positive it would result to my advantage. Just then Mr. Pell came in and he staid a couple of hours. Has just returned from Florida. I changed the blue trimmings on the Hamlet costume to purple at Booths request. I always liked the purple best as he used to wear it. Not knowing what to do with myself I went to the Fraternity meeting with Mary and Calvert at Mrs. Villards. Clarence Cook read a very clever paper on spring. I had a note from Mrs. Weir telling me she had sent my letter about Miss Bracketts school to Lily. Jansen Anderson came to see me about going fishing Monday and Church was in in the morning. I am very troubled and wretched. The same old story.

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