Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday February 23, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 23, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Feb 23, 1880 Left for N.Y. by noon train. It snowed a little last night but it all melted this morning. I was glad to be at home with Gussie. She is to leave this week. I wish my sisters all lived near us for I love to be near them. I was full of tender memories of dear Gertrude all the time I was at home and I shed many tears looking over some of her things. I gave Gussie her Florentine mosaic pin Oscar bought her and which I had set, also some lace. To Joe her little emerald stud. To Laura I sent a string of her Roman pearl beads and two pairs of her shoes one of them new and the other nearly so. I brought Gertrudes Venetian Ring to give to Gertrude Tomkins. It almost breaks my heart to part with these things but I am glad to have my own people have them and they will have to be scattered some day. My father was quite ill with a cold but better this morning. I am greatly troubled when he is ill. Found a letter from Joe Warren on my return inquiring about a picture of mine to be sold at auction in Boston which I answered at once. I felt very sad to leave home and wished I felt free to stay there. Attended a meeting of the Council.

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