Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday May 14, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 14, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, May 14, 1880 Went up to Moores to see if he had not sold the pictures I sold him thinking if he had he might want more but he had not and they are among my best pictures. Then to the Academy to see Brown but he was not there, none of my pictures sold and the season drawing to a close. Booth came and told me his wife lay awake all night coughing and that Edwina has a diphtheritic attack which troubles him greatly. He felt very seriously and told me he had seen so much trouble that he was prepared for any thing which could befal [sic] him. Mrs. Bachelder was here when he came in but left soon after. I painted on the Benedick and he is delighted with it, but I hope to make it better. Just before he left Mr. Dalton came in with a letter from Lawrence Barrett proposing to give Booth a dinner before he goes abroad. He wants me to take an active part in it but I am in so wretched a state that I dread any publicity of this sort much as I would like to do any thing to help honor Booth. I proposed that it take the form of a breakfast at the Century and be limited to 25 or 30 prominent people which they both agreed to. I recommended him to see Stedman as the best man [?] organize and direct it. Mrs. Henry invited me to dine with them in their studio to meet Commander Whitehead which I did. After dinner we went to their room, the one Gertrude and I occupied so many years, but it did not look as it did when we were there and I have no regrets for having given it up.

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