Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday November 3, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 3, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Nov 3, 1880 The result of the election yesterday is a complete triumph of the Republicans. Every Northern state is thought to have gone Republican and a solid North again defeats a solid South. The loveliest of days smiled on the triumph. Maurice and I put down the parlor carpet and put it in order and I did some other little things for which I have been preparing to devote a day. I continue to feel less unhappy and more hopeful. A letter from Weir saying he cannot go to N. Y. but wishing me to go to New Haven to spend Sunday with him. I wrote him I would. Emma sent word she would like to have me come as she expects to go south soon. I thought of our wedding day many times today and of dear Gertrude very often as we were putting the parlor in order. Every thing there reminded me of her, the pretty little things she loved so much and was always collecting. Each one was a sacred reminder of her. I read one of her letters every night.

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