Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday October 5, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 5, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Oct 5, 1880 Two letters received today have affected me very strangely, one from Alice to Sara telling her of a singular circumstance which happened at the Universalist Convention at N. Cambridge Mass. Mr. Sawyer was preaching when suddenly Mr. Flanders, A Universalist clergyman who was sitting near Mrs. Sawyer turned to her and asked her if she had lost three children. She said she had. Well he said Gertrude is here with two children. I see her as plainly as I ever did while she was living and she is listening to Mr. Sawyer. She says she sees her Uncle Kenrick and he is painting again being with some of the old painters etc. Then I have received a letter from Janette in which she tells me Gertrude has communicated with her through a lady in Troy a Mrs. Rigas who once met me at one of the Artists receptions years ago telling her that she is near me always with her undying love and visits me nightly and sees my grief for her but cannot make her presence known to me. These things cannot but disturb me while I cannot believe they are other than mental phenomena which I cannot pretend to understand, but if this be true Gertrude must be unhappy and I cannot believe that and why if she could make herself known to a stranger could she not to me whom she loved best of any one in the world. These things coming so near together have had a most strange effect upon me. I am sure Janette is entirely sincere, but what does it all mean. Sara and I took a ride out to Flat bush. It was a grey sober forenoon and the color was very fine but the clouds cleared in the afternoon. Mr & Mrs. J. M. Norths golden wedding occurred this evening. Pa & Ma were invited but did not go. A letter from Lucy.

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