Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday September 11, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 11, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Sept 11, 1880 Rained most of the time I was there but we went to an agricultural fair and visited a life saving station on the south side. We all left together Eastman, his wife and Ethel, Sara Buckley and Reuben. Had to get up very early to have our breakfast and take the boat. Eastman and his party were going to Kennebunkport and Mt. Desert. I left them at New Bedford. Dined at the hotel and took the stage at 3 p.m. for Little Compton about 24 miles where I arrived at 7 and found Mr. Bachelder waiting for me with a wagon and we drove to Mr. Warren Kemptons 4 miles on the point (Warren Point I think) the two Misses Palmer were there. A very pleasant place to stay and a most pleasant family comprising four generations. Made a few sketches but did not find as much to paint as I hoped. Went fishing twice and one day visited the club house at West island with Mrs. Sophronia Kempton the Palmer girls and Mr. Bachelder. Staid there until Monday... [continued in Monday, Sept 20, 1880 entry]

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