Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday September 24, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 24, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Sept 24, 1880 Had a day or two received a letter from Richard Butler written a week before telling me I was appointed on a committee to collect and arrange Giffords pictures for exhibition at the Art Museum and although I had written Butler and he had answered me to finish my visit I felt I ought to go to N. Y. and see what was to be done, which I decided to do. We took a ride in the morning and visited a very quaint old house at Dedham built about 1630 the home of the Fairbanks of St. Johnsbury. It is a wooden building quaint and picturesque, and remains about as when built. Much of the old furniture is still there, some china and pewter platters very ancient, said to be of the date of the war of the roses. It was the most interesting place of the kind I ever saw in this country. Took the train to Boston, and arranged to dine with Mr. Chickering at 2.30 Went and attended to my baggage and got stateroom by Providence line. Dined with Mr. Chickering, Ordway and [blank] an architect. After dinner called with Ordway on Gaugengigl an artist and Dewing who was out. Went to see Mr. Wigglesworths pictures for a short time and to Williams & Everetts to see if they knew of any of Giffords pictures in Boston and then to the cars. Saw Mr. Chickering again just as I left. Pleasant night on the Sound. Rebuked saucy waiter and complained of him to clerk. Landed in N. Y. about 7.

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