Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday September 26, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 26, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Sept 26, 1880 Have been busy all day writing. Went to the cemetery after breakfast. A warm beautiful day. I am irresistibly drawn to dear Gertrudes grave and as soon as I get there such a desolating feeling comes over me that I wish I had not come. Came back and went over to my studio to look at my pictures and the portrait of Gertrude and to look about my place. The views from there were very beautiful under the soft morning light with the first suggestions of Autumn color and I was glad to see Josephine and her husband and the children there to take the empty and lonely look from the place. I have written to Weir a long letter, to P. H. Brown of Portland about Giffords Twilight in the Kaatskills, to Richard Butler, to J. T. Wilson about his Gifford picture, to Mr. Fairbanks of St. Johnsbury about his, and to Fitch, and wrote up my diary. Girard and his wife & children were here to dinner and Louis Anderson who has been here with Sara since last Monday and the house has seemed quite cheerful. Sara was sent for from High Falls to see Annie Norton who was suddenly taken ill, and will not return until tomorrow. Julia Dillon has returned from Europe, has been here and painted a little in my studio in my absence. The old sad feeling meets me here but I am going to try to control it. I ought to be somewhere sketching but cannot leave now on account of this exhibition of Giffords works. I wrote from N. Y. to Mrs. Whittredge to ask her where Whittredge is and possibly I may join him if I can.

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