Friday December 30, 1881
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 30, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Dec 30, 1881 Downing and I called at Dunlaps to see about the "Millinoket" hat. Were told that we could see Mr. D at the factory in 7th Av. Went there. He had not arrived but was expected. Waited a while. Downing had to go and I remained. Presently he came in and I had an interview with him. Found he knew me and my pictures. Had a very satisfactory interview and accomplished more than I hoped. He thought it a novelty and was interested. Told me to get enough braid for a hat which he would make up nicely. Then we would find out about getting a supply of braid and would determine hereafter how we could arrange to manufacture and introduce them. He seemed to think it a promising venture and said there were often excellent results from such things. Altogether most encouraging. Painted on a little picture I began last spring. Mrs. Lacey called. Was to take her to see Boynton but he was out of town. Called on Mrs. Taylor this evening and then went to the club where I wrote a note to Miss Nesmith from whom I had a note today telling her I would call next Tuesday evening. Wrote to Lawrence Hutton, a letter to Alice and one to Church. Returned Mr. Fahenstocks umbrella which I carelessly took from Reids last night in place of my own and got mine back.
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