Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday February 3, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 3, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Feb 3, 1881 Still continues very cold. Worked most of the day on my picture with the two children (Vermont). Paul Gifford called me up to Sanfords room for a few minutes to advise about some of his pictures he is sending to Brooklyn, while I was there, not fifteen minutes Col. Sanford called and left Lucy's letter of introduction on my table. I was very sorry to have missed him and wrote him a note saying so and asking him if he would not come in again if he were down town. Just as I came back I found Edith Cook writing her name on my slate. She came in and I had a pleasant call with her. Holt sent me a note asking me to dine with him this evening which I did. No one there except him and his sister and the three children, Roland, Winifred and Edith. The little girls look like their mother. Had to hurry away to attend a meeting of the Century trustees. Eastman was there his first appearance. Fitch's sale came off this evening with poor results. The Board of management voted $600 to buy something of his tomorrow evening at the sale and Eastman Johnson was empowered to select it.

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