Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday May 29, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 29, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, May 29, 1881 Wrote to Janette, Miss Ford and Mary. Went to the cemetery directly after breakfast to see how the Petunias were doing I set out there this week and to cut the grass on dear Gertrudes grave. Joe Tubby came while I was there and we took a walk around Posts farm and over the hills above Wilbur. Joe has left Rondout and is living at Mt. Vernon. He seems serious and rather sad. After dinner Maurice, Girards wife Sara and I drove out to Mrs. Burhans' to see a Mrs. Philips who wants to take Miss Ford. I saw her and she wants her to come. I think it a good place so far as I could judge. A shower came up and we could not leave until nearly seven and we drove home through the mud. Found John, Nannie & Robbie here. The Conkling question came up and as John is a Conkling man my father got at him. I kept still. Then the colored cadet question which is alway[s] the red rag to Maurice and he exploded in one of his violent fits of uncontrolled temper and there was a most disagreeable scene. Evidently he has not become an angel in his three weeks discipline. I am almost in despair about him. He has no control over himself and I fear never will have.

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