Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday May 4, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 4, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, May 4, 1881 A Mr. Mills called in the interest of the St. Louis Art department of the Exposition. I objected to sending and at some length he explained it to me and the changes which had taken place. S. A. Coale had worked much mischief but his influence was gone. I always had a poor idea of Coale from what little correspondence I have had with him. I did not promise to send however but told him I would think of it. Dined at Holts with John Hay (now in charge of the Tribune in Reids absence) Prof Alexander of Columbia, a very boyish looking man, Whitney[,] Corporation Counsel for the city, a frank attractive man, Clarence King, Whittredge (prince of the young scratchers[)] Brayton Ives president of the board of brokers and Holts brother. Theses were all bright men, in the midst of affairs and their talk was most entertaining. King told a funny story of a woman he saw at the presidential nominating convention there in the interests of Womens rights. The "Lawn Sprinkler". He is very witty and bright. Got on the Chinese question. Surprised to find Hay & King are opposed to the Chinese. Holt, Whittredge, Ives and I argued their side. Whitney a Democrat of course was down on them. Got home at midnight.

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