Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday May 6, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 6, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, May 6, 1881 Rained hard when I went to breakfast. A call from a Mr. Conant a portrait painter from St. Louis. Coles son from Kaatskill called. Maurice came about 11 oclock. Sara came soon after having come down yesterday and staid with Miss Noxon. They with Mary lunched with me and then went to the Academy. I went up to call on Eastman. He had a sitter but he showed me Delano's portrait, very fine and the portrait of Mrs. Pullman, charming in color and sentiment. Maurice and Sara have just gone to Boston where she is to leave him in an institution for inebriates. Poor fellow--his last chance. I pray it may help to start him anew after so many wasted years. He felt very serious and I presume he will be homesick but it seems to be all we can do for him. Mary, Justin and I went to the musical festival and heard the Messiah splendidly given with Cary & Gerster in the solos. Cary is a beautiful woman of splendid physique and a compact classic head. She sang admirably. We had an adventure. They put my coupons for seats in the ticket box and gave me the admission card by mistake and no redress in the immense crowd of nearly 1500 people. Fortunately I remembered the section where our seats where but was not sure of the numbers of the seats. We took possession however and were not disturbed. During the intermission I went to the managers office and he promised to return the tickets tomorrow.

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