Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday November 27, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 27, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Nov 27, 1881 Went over to Calverts to see how the invalids were getting on. Found Julia convalescing having [?] over the fever period. Marion is apparently going through the same thing. Booth and Edwina had arrived from Baltimore and were stopping with the Benedicts. Sent word by Downing I would go up to see him about 8. Went to my room and spent the day dismantling my studio, dusting every thing carefully and carrying it in to the bed room. Pretty tired at night when I went to Marys to dinner. Calvert and I went around to the club after dinner to smoke a cigar. Booth sent me word to come up and Mary and I went up there and staid until after 10. Had not much opportunity to talk with Booth as there were a good many people there. I find he feels a sense of relief as is natural. He told me that the McVickers would not let him appear at the funeral of his wife except as a stranger but afterward invited him and Rev. Mr. Ewer to come. He looked quiet and serious but I know feels that another sorrowful phase of his life has been closed in the only way possible to insure peace to each of them. Mary and I walked back.

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