Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday February 27, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 27, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Feb 27, 1882 Calvert and I took another pleasant walk out through the woods to the "Steene Ranpe" and home across fields. Park always goes along and it is delightful to witness the enjoyment he has in our rambles. I think dogs must have some of the same kind of enjoyment in such things as men have for nothing can be plainer than that Park understands me when I speak of taking a walk. He knew too that Calvert was to go too for when I was ready to go he went to the door and barked for Calvert who was inside and when I let him in he went into all the rooms looking until he found him. Calvert and I came down by 6 o'clk train. Heavy ice in the river. We went over in a tug. The ferry boat was out in the river having started ahead of time. We passed her. Today she was two hours in the ice. The train was 20 minutes late. I sat in a seat with Tom Evans. At Garrisons our engine broke down and by this delay we did not reach town until 11. We were due at 9. I was very hungry and went to the Century where I ate too much and went directly to bed.

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