Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday January 3, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 3, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Jan 3, 1882 The cold weather continues and the creek was frozen over this morning. I came down with the 12 oclock train. Mrs. Taylor and her mother came down. Mr. Taylor has left Rondout and accepted a call at Indianapolis. They regretted leaving Rondout. I assisted them with their packages and children. Mabel Reid came down in my care as far as Tarrytown. Poor child. Her father is to come out of prison on the 17 of this month. I wonder what the poor child thought as we passed Sing Sing. The train arrived half an hour late. I had barely time to get ready for dinner and then went up and called on Miss Nesmith. A letter from Booth wanting to do something for Downing in the way of setting him up in a business and asking my advice. Miss Teale called on Saturday and wants me to paint a picture for her for $300 something like the one I painted for Mr. Cooper. Joe Tubby came Saturday by appointment. Wants to get room in some studio in the city. Advised him to paint in Mt. Vernon where he is. I asked him if he didnt think it pretty late in life to set up as an artist. He is sixty, but he didnt seem to think it a difficult enterprise. "where angels fear to tread" etc.

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