Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday March 30, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 30, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Mar 30, 1882 Commenced a little picture for Mary Vaux to send out to Cuthbert Williams when she goes to England in May. I dont paint with any interest and keep brooding over my anxieties. James Gifford came in and I told him what Mr. Hubbard said about the desirability of settling this trouble with Sanfords wife. He has asked me to go up to Hudson on Saturday as Wilkinson and his wife are to be there and I have promised to go in the 4 o'clock train and wrote to Sade I would come down with the St. Louis train Sunday morning. Calvert came over to my studio with me this morning. He is very generous and helpful. Attended a meeting of the Century trustees. Another attack has been made on Major Walter who has the Sharpless Washington pictures, by DeKay in the Critic of which Gilder is the editor. Eastman Johnson brought it before the board and Gilder came in for some sharp criticism. He will be asked to retract as he has expressed regret at this publication.

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